Get ready for a blood boiling journey as writer/director J Blakeson creates characters that will have you screaming for vengeance. I kept having to remind myself that this was a work of fiction. It was the only way I could keep my sanity. I CARE A LOT obviously doesn’t when it comes to our emotions.
Synopsis: A crooked legal guardian who drains the savings of her elderly wards meets her match when a woman she tries to swindle turns out to be more than she first appears.
Marla Grayson (Rosamund Pike) is a driven business woman, and master manipulator of the medical and legal system. She takes advantage of the elderly by becoming their guardian. Once these victims become a ward of the state they have no rights other than what Marla gives them. It is the most despicable character trait to be penned in some some, and Pike works viewers into a frenzy.
It is not a spoiler alert to tell you that you will despise her in the first 10-minutes of this film. You will sweat out the remaining hour and a half praying she gets what is coming to her. When Grayson takes over the life of Jennifer Peterson (Dianne Wiest) – a perfectly healthy retired woman – Marla may have chosen the wrong mark. Jennifer has some powerful friends who do not care much for Marla or her practices.
The story offers up a character and doesn’t even try and hide her evilness. Here is Marla! Feel free to hate her. She struts around in front of us, and the other members of the film with a cocky arrogance. It is intriguing to see a female in this position. As Rosamund Pike says, these type of personalities are normally reserved for men. As a viewer it can be a struggle. We are taught to not degrade women characters. To wish her bodily harm seems strange. Oh, but you will. You spend a lot of time fantasizing about how the writer will do her in.
Peter Dinklage co-stars in the film which is always a plus for me. He is one of my favorite actors, and his depth as a performer is top notch. In this one he plays one of Jennifer’s “powerful allies” and goes toe to toe with Marla. his identity in the film is sort of a mystery so I will not indulge much here. Only to say that he is a multi layered man and fun to watch here.
Word of advise. Watch until the end. Regardless how frustrated you get with the characters, the plot, or the twists. Stay it through. I will say no more. I CARE A LOT is rated R for language throughout and some violence. It is an adult action film for sure. Netflix has promised us a plethora of new films this year and this one is certainly a very cool offering. I give it a B for Bit–… I think you get the point.
Watch now: www.netflix.com/ICareALot