Disney has stepped up its live action game with the new character driven adventure, Cruella. I enjoyed the film immensely, and for numerous reasons. Fans of classic Disney films will enjoy the characters while those who have been dying for a more adult – though still fine for your teens – adventure will get more than they can imagine.
Set in 1970s London this film gives us the origin of the puppy skinning fashionista that we feared in 101 Dalmatians. Estella (Emma Stone) is an orphan with a desire to use her dress design skills. When she gets the opportunity to work for The Baroness (Emma Thompson) it is a dream come true. The Baroness rules the London Fashion scene. The devil may wear Prada but he bows to the Baroness. She is terrifyingly in charge.
While working for the Baroness Estella discovers some truths about her past. This knowledge births a deep seated revenge and Cruella emerges. Aided by her childhood friends Horace (Paul Walter Hauser) and Jasper (Joel Fry) she attempts to become the new queen of London Society. And she does so with mind blowing visuals and style.
This film boldly leaps to the PG-13 arena. All of the previous versions of 101 Dalmatians including the live action release with Glenn Close as Cruella were rated G. This one is safe for your 12 and up family members and still fits in the Disney Universe. But upping the rating allows them to go deep into the characters and explore the emotion and personalities. I could say that Disney embraced its MCU side but she would fit in perfectly in the dark world of DC.
PROS: There are a lot in this one. As mentioned the vibe and artistic direction is key. The music is another element that makes this film stand out. Utilizing classic 70s rock along with haunting remakes of some of our favorites makes every scene come to life. It feels like one expert music video after another but it never loses the synergy and fluidness of the story. I could spend an entire article talking about the clothing, hair, and makeup. In a film about fashion that is based around a well known animated character everything has to be vibrant and explosive. And this delivers 110%. Rounding out the wins for this one are the acting performances, script, and overall production. It truly is a fabulous offering.
CONS: Hard to find any in this flick. I would normally say that a two-hour and fifteen-minute run time is a huge con. And granted there is one part near the end when I thought it was the end; but then it took off again. But that was ok. There were very few unnecessary moments that I could live without. I appreciated each and every thing given.
CRUELLA is rated PG-13 for some violence and thematic elements. To hear from the cast check out our daily commentary.