BABY GIRL needs to go to her room and never come out. Easily the worst film of the year, and not for the reasons you might think or expected. Watching movies this bad will make you angry. Angry that they took your hard earned money, and angry that you wasted valuable time that could have been spent doing something more enjoyable, like sitting through an insurance seminar.
Synopsis: A high-powered CEO puts her career and family on the line when she begins a torrid affair with her much-younger intern.
We have seen this movie many times, and much better versions. That is the most infuriating thing. This story can be done right with emotion, sensuality, and intensity. This had none of that. What it lacked the most and its biggest downfall; it had zero believability. Not with the characters, the plot, or the backstory. There is just one person in this entire journey that you feel for, and you feel for him because of the only decent performance worth mentioning. And even he gets shafted with a horrible story arch before it is all said and done.
The foundation was intriguing. A brilliant, married, business woman with past drama starts a lurid affair with a young intern. Lifetime built an entire channel around that premise. Nicole Kidman as the lead is also excitable. She is a beautiful, seasoned actress who exudes power. But mother of pearl inlay this was just a squandered use of all of those building blocks.
Baby Girl’s story, though understandable, is ultra thin. We get a small glimpse as to how Romy (Nicole Kidman) rose to heights in the business world. It is fuzzy who does what at the company and what if anything takes place there. They bring in a new group of interns including a pompous, mouthy, brat named Samuel (Harris Dickinson). He immediately picks up on Romy’s kinks and uses them to somehow manipulate her into risking everything. By this point in the film it is established that Romy has some serious issues when it comes to sex. Either from her past – which is touched on but never really explained – or trying to deal with her powerful position.
The chemistry between Kidman and Dickinson is void of any sort of magic or allure. We simply do not believe it. And when scenes such as what we get in this movie – which live and breath on chemistry – when it is not there, it just becomes sad and laughable. Samuel comes off as a spoiled punk and you sort of hate him from the jump. That makes it even harder to believe that Romy would be the least bit interested in this guy; kink or no kink. She could find better on Google.
At the heart of this is also Romy’s husband Jacob (Antonio Banderas). Jacob is a loving, patient, caring man who tries his best to understand, and come along side Romy. There is no doubt that they have intimacy issues but you get the feeling that they are pushed down instead of talked about. Even as he finds out about the affair Jacob is fair and reacts as expected. Banderas is the one person in this film – actor and character – I could have empathy for. (Side note) – If you get tired of the movie and want to find a way to entertain yourself. Just close your eyes. All the scenes with Banderas now feel like a Puss N Boots movie.
The biggest disappointment and shocker is that the film is written and directed by a woman. Halina Reijn is a capable film maker on both sides of the camera. If anyone should be able to convey what she wants Romy to convey it is her. If a guy made this film I would get the disconnect. I would tell him to stop trying to get inside a woman’s head about these things. But here there is no excuse for what we get from the story and performances.
Baby Girl is rated R for strong sexual content, nudity and language. Even before the first scene comes into focus you know what this movie is about. Make sure you are comfortable with who you are seeing it with, and that you are both mature enough not to giggle during the sexy scenes.
I give it one star because zero stars might look like I forgot to add any.