The Entertainment Answer Ultimate Movie Bracket is now active. I have asked 10 critics, podcasters, and movie buffs to anonymously pick their favorites from each pair. Weekly we see who survives and moves on to be the ultimate winner.
It is harder than you think as some of these pairings are like having to pick between our two children or which pet goes to the pound. Are you more a Marvel fan or Star Wars geek? DC your jam over old school 80s? It is time to root on your fave!
The films are not seeded but randomly paired to make the competition even more exciting.
Below is the starting lineup in what I am calling CIVIL WAR. Any pairings stand out as super hard? See a film you hope makes it to the end? Feel free to comment below!
To see the current standing after ROUND ONE click here! View the pdf version of the Ultimate Movie Bracket here!

View the pdf version of the Ultimate Movie Bracket here!
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