Thor: Love and Thunder is a welcome break from the multiverse mind warp of late. What we get is a hilarious, action packed, Thor adventure. It is quite silly at times, but carries with it a lot of heart… and we get a nice dose of Dr. Foster. So win win.
In this escapade Thor (Chris Hemsworth) enlists the help of Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), Korg (Taika Waititi-voice) and ex-girlfriend Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) to fight Gorr the God Butcher (Christian Bale), who intends to make the gods extinct.
Jane Foster has gone through a lot since the last time Thor saw her. He has never really gotten over her and some of the story is about them working through their past. it might seem odd to see Jane as mighty Thor wielding the hammer Mjölnir. That is all explained quickly and clearly. In fact there is enough backstory so no one feels left out.
There are some moments when the film tries too hard or falls back on regurgitated humor. It wasn’t as blockbustery as past marvel films, and felt like a film possibly thrown together from scraps. The only thing that felt truly grounded was Gorr. Bale may not have gotten the memo that said, “don’t act too serious.” Or maybe he was out that day. Bale believed everything that he was saying, and wanted the audience to believe it as well. The others? Not so much.
Several of the funnier moments are in the trailer, but luckily there a few extra goodies. Sadly some of what could have been funny was way overplayed to the point of boredom. We get it. Thor’s new sword is mad. Let’s move on. Thankfully we get a lot of Korg who again slays with every sentence. Even Valkyrie lost something since Ragnarok as if she wasn’t feeling this one a hundred percent.
All in all it is a solid Marvel film and a decent addition to the Thor franchise. We all needed some closer for Jane and Thor, and this helped with that arc. Plus, couples everywhere now have their Halloween theme locked down.
Thor: Love and Thunder is rated PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi violence and action, language, some suggestive material and partial nudity.