The Marvels is now in theaters. The MCU rolls on in an attempt to salvage a troubled Marvel franchise.

Synopsis: Carol Danvers gets her powers entangled with those of Kamala Khan and Monica Rambeau, forcing them to work together to save the universe.
Watch my full review below where I talk not only about the new film, but the Marvel franchise as a whole. I think we all miss the days of a simple attack on NY with an assembled group of Avengers. Now with the multiverse, time jumps, and intergalactic wars the MCU has become rather muddled and hard to follow.
Much love for Danvers and Rambeau, but it is going to be Khan who attributes to the future success of this beloved franchise. Kamala (Iman Vellani) was fantastic in the Disney+ series Ms Marvel. In this film she adds humor and that same excitement and zeal we all used to feel around the Avengers.
PROS: Kamala Kahn. Beautiful special effects. Some touching moments between Danvers and Rambeau. Costume design and style.
CONS: Too much galactic stuff with Kree and Skrulls. Poor writing. All the cats in one basket. Ill conceived plot line