MS. MARVEL will air weekly on Disney+ beginning June 8, 2022. This new series introduces us to another sort-of-known character from the MCU. This one hits different in that it is as much about the life of teenager Kamala Kahn (Iman Vellani) as it is her alter-ego Ms. Marvel. This makes for a fun, heartwarming show that just happens to be about super powers.
Synopsis: Marvel Studios’ “Ms. Marvel” is a new, original series that introduces Kamala Khan, a Muslim American teenager growing up in Jersey City. An avid gamer and a voracious fan-fiction scribe, Kamala is a Super Hero megafan with an oversized imagination—particularly when it comes to Captain Marvel. Yet Kamala feels like she doesn’t fit in at school and sometimes even at home—that is, until she gets superpowers like the heroes she’s always looked up to. Life gets better with superpowers, right?
In the first two episodes we meet this nerdy teen and immediately like her and her family. The story arc of a Muslim American teenager growing up in Jersey City is fodder enough. Her parents are very traditional and not fond of her daughter’s adoration for tight suited heroes. Her mother is strict, her father doting, and her older brother sympathetic. It is very typical of most family units, and regardless of your heritage there is something to relate to.
Kamala loves Captain Marvel, and when she inherits super powers of her own it opens up a whole new world of opportunity. She navigates it all with her two best friends Nakia and Bruno. Vellani is super endearing in this series and having watched only two episodes I can’t imagine anyone else in the role.
Fans of the MCU will cling to this one immediately. I can’t wait for more, and look forward to a weekly visit with the Kahn family.