Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is a bold move to the dark side for the Marvel franchise. In fact at times it is downright spooky. With stunning imagery and a creative use of the multiverse this film does offer a lot; just maybe not what you expected.
Synopsis: Dr. Stephen Strange casts a forbidden spell that opens the doorway to the multiverse, including alternate versions of himself, whose threat to humanity is too great for the combined forces of Strange, Wong, and Wanda Maximoff.
Although I have liked seeing Dr. Strange appear in the Avenger films, I have never been a fan of his standalone movie. The character is great and is a benefit when mixed with all the other Avengers, but seems to be a tad lacking when carrying the entire story. If not for the addition of Wanda Maximoff in this one, I am not sure the 2-hours would have been as enjoyable.
The Multiverse is a fantastic theory that we have received small doses of in the past. Even more so in the LOKI Disney series. Having it defined even more here was a plus as well. The only problem I had was the same issue I have with time travel; there are certainly a lot of convenient and head shaking holes. It can be distracting if you let it. So don’t let it.
Wanda has always been one of my fave characters. Her series on Disney Plus was a wonderful show, and a good spring board for this. The world Wanda created still haunts her and brings its own brand of madness here.
The theme is sinister and the imagery at times is downright scary. The Scarlet Witch is something straight out of a horror film. She is dark and powerful, but a lot of fun to watch – even with eyes slightly closed in fear. Set in a world of demons and black magic, this flick might not be for all audiences. If you are a fan of the light banter between Cap and Tony, you will not find it here. My hope is that this is not a new direction for the franchise, but just a setting (fitting of course) for Strange. Something tells me with THOR LOVE AND THUNDER we will get back to some lighter tones.
There are a lot of fun cameos in this one too – which I will not spoil for you here. These moments are much needed smile inducers and a fun inclusion for sure. All in all, this is a strong film with much to offer fans. Is Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness even close to my fave Marvel film? Sadly no, but I understand the need and appreciate the work. #teamwanda