A faithful stage adaptation of C.S. Lewis’ satiric masterpiece. This two demon stage play captures the most iconic moments of Lewis’ book in a 90-minute stage drama. Power lighting and stage design bring hell to life as we watch Screwtape’s deceptive plan unfold. #ScrewtapeOnStage
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The Wyly Theater in Dallas is the most intimate of stages, and it is this personal element that heightens the entire performance. You feel as if Screwtape is looking right into your soul as he speaks.
The words of Lewis are just as poignant today as they were at the time of his writing in 1942. Only a few tweaks were added to drive home certain points. The heaviness of the message is lightened by the addition of Screwtape’s scribe, Toadpipe. Every inch of the stage is used to convey the story in riveting fashion.
If you miss the Dallas performance you can check on dates in your area by visiting the Fellowship for Performing Arts Website