The Nun II was not on my list as I am not in the habit of watching scary movies. I am a fan of the Conjuring franchise though so I felt obligated. The Nun (2018) left me a tad disappointed in the theater, but when rewatching this past week, I was actually pretty terrified. So I felt even more excited going in to this one.

I appreciated this version more than the 2018 film due to the fact it gave me more of what I wanted; The Nun. She is certainly one of the nightmarish parts of the franchise and I felt as if the first film didn’t use her enough. This on certainly did and was better for it.
Many will say that the story was weak blah blah blah, and sure it isn’t as strong as Annabelle or The Conjuring. It did so many other things right that I was willing to forgive the mistakes. I screened it in Imax and it utilized all of the sights and sounds.
The setting was creepy. It has elements of Annabelle Creation with some of the characters and use of decor. One fault I admit was how dark some of the scenes are. I would hae liked to see more of the architecture of the rooms.
Taissa Farmiga returns as Sister Irene. There is enough backstory to get you up to speed if you have not seen the original in the last 5 years. I am a fan of Taissa but still have a hard time buying her as a Nun. But I have to get past that. Jonas Bloquet is also back as Maurice. We were all worried about old Frenchie after the last film. And with good reason. Jonas has a lot of screen – and scream – time in this one. He is as vital to the story as Irene.
I feel they leave the door wide open for more Nun shenanigans. Not sure we need another full film though. I would rather see her as before, showing up unexpectedly in other Conjuring films. The Nun II is rated R for violent content and some terror. Not language. Not sex or nudity. Just because it is scary. That should tell you all you need to know about the jumps and spine tingling moments.