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The Cursed

the cursed

THE CURSED is being called the best horror film of the year. But then again it is only February. Fans of gothic styling and foggy nineteenth century settings will embrace this one whole heartedly.

Synopsis: A once-peaceful remote country village is under attack—but by who or what, no one knows. Villagers spread rumors of a cursed land, supernatural forces, and even demonic creatures, as the disappearances and killings continue. Pathologist John McBride arrives to investigate the danger, only to discover something much deeper and more sinister than he ever could have imagined.

This one starts strong with a gypsy curse and then grows into a gory, slow burn horror film. There isn’t much mystery for the viewer as we know pretty fast what is happening. Or at least you should. If you have watched any monster movies you are clued in. What you don’t know is how it is all going to play out.

The kids are creepy, the families are creepier, and the beast is visually something of nightmares. Combining those things makes this one visually fantastic. It is one of the best looking gothic horror films I have seen in a while. Plus the story plays out as a classic ghost story you tell your kids to keep them from misbehaving.

The cast includes Kelly Reilly as the mother of the missing boy, and wife of a wealthy land baron. Fans of Yellowstone will find it odd to watch “Beth” in a submissive role like this. When I first saw her I was actually scared for the monster. The rest of the cast sell the story nicely.

I have issue with the ending though. I can’t say why without divulging huge plot points. I hate spoilers and will not include any here. I will only say that you will get a tad angry; or at least frustrated. Luckily this happens in the last 15 minutes of the film so you can still make it till the end.

THE CURSED is rated R and certainly meant for those 18 and over. Brief nudity, graphic violence, and gore make this one for the older movie watchers. I give it 3 out of 5 scarecrows. Mainly for the visuals and styling more than anything. But at least they got job one right; giving us a gothic vibe.

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