Inspirational. Timeless. The Boys in the Boat is the underdog movie of the year. Add this to the list of true sports stories that most of the country never knew took place. Directed by George Clooney starring Joel Edgerton. Rated PG-13 in theaters December 25th 2023.
Synopsis: A 1930s-set story centered on the University of Washington’s rowing team, from their Depression-era beginnings to winning gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics.

Remember the Titans? You will also remember the 1936 USA Rowing Team. George Clooney directs with subtle touches that allow the story to play out in an engaging and inspiring way. It is a simple formula. Give the audience one or two characters we quickly bond with, then place them in near impossible odds. No place does that work better than the world of sports.
Along with Joel Edgerton the film stars Callum Turner as hard working, soft spoken, Joe Rantz. Rantz was pretty common in the mid 30s, depression smothered America. Not sure where his next meal is coming from and willing to do anything within the law to get it. He is a college student trying to find a way to pay tuition without starving. When he hears of open tryouts on the rowing team – which provides a little coin and a place to sleep – he immediately signs up.
There are two parts to this story. One being Joe’s rowing tryout, and the second being the pursuit of the rowing team for Olympic Gold. You could google the results, but it is much more exciting to watch. Even without the help of the internet you have hopes of how it will work out. Solid directing and story editing help keep the level of anticipation high.
Another thing to appreciate about this film is how it puts you right inside the boat with the rowing scenes. Long, beautiful shots on the open water makes you feel like an additional crew man. The synergy of the row team matched with the vocal cadence of the coxswain is perfectly captured.
Tis the season for dreams, hopes, and uplifting stories. This film covers all those bases. If you want to wait for the digital or Blu-ray version it will play just as well at home. I always encourage theater attendance, but I also get it. Home is certainly more budget friendly.
THE BOYS IN THE BOAT is rated PG-13 for language and smoking. Film ratings are not always reflective of content. I understand that a PG rating makes it seem like young kids will be entertained. That is not the case, but you will also be hard pressed to find anything offensive. I can see myself stopping on this film whenever surfing around channels or my favorite streaming app. It is a text book feel good experience.