TETRIS is now on Apple TV+. This intriguing story is a white knuckle thrill ride from start to finish. The 1980s were some crazy times, man! People put their lives on the line so we could stack up some funky shapes. Well, that and to make millions of dollars.
Synopsis: “Tetris” tells the unbelievable story of how one of the world’s most popular video games found its way to avid players around the globe. Henk Rogers (Taron Egerton) discovers Tetris in 1988, and then risks everything by traveling to the Soviet Union, where he joins forces with inventor Alexey Pajitnov (Nikita Efremov) to bring the game to the masses. Based on a true story, this is a Cold War–era thriller on steroids, with double-crossing villains, unlikely heroes, and a nail-biting race to the finish.
It must be true, I saw it in a movie. We often fall into this mindset whenever we see “based on a true story” at the beginning of a film. It is also entertainment so I have to wonder if everything we see here actually took place. Regardless it is a lot of fun to watch, and will keep you on the edge of your seat.
This is not Bridge of Spies. We are not talking about American lives at stake if a deal falls through. None the less Henk Rogers has a lot to lose financially and business wise if things do not fall his way. Not only is he up against shrewd business men, but also a Russian Government that makes up the rules as they go along.
Watch the trailer

Fans of classic game history will love watching how one of the best selling games in the world went from a Russian office worker to Game Boys world wide. Egerton is engaging in this role and is the perfect salesman. he is tenacious but not conniving. This forces him to stay one step ahead of, and outsmart his business adversaries.
The styling of the film is nostalgic and catapults viewers back to the cold war days of US and Russia. The clothes, hair, and music add depth to an already riveting narrative.
Tetris is rated R for Language