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STRYPER – Even The Devil Believes

565853Commentary – The men in black – and yellow – are back with a new studio album, EVEN THE DEVIL BELIEVES. Which is funny because not even I believed they would still be cranking out shredder tunes after all these years. Those of us from the early days of MTV remember them taking the channel by storm with mega hits Honestly and Free. This was a big deal then as many “Christian Bands” were not able to cross over into the mainstream. Lead Singer Micheal Sweet and drummer brother Robert never held back when it came to getting their message across, but they were also able to blend in with the 80s hair bands enough to mix and mingle. And to be honest the music really stood on its own regardless of how you labeled it.

With the new album they seem to be returning to their roots. The last few studio records were ok but didn’t feel like Stryper albums. This one leaves no doubt. Oz Fox – original member and lead guitarist – seems to have found his metal groove again with hooks that drive with speed and dexterity. The trademark harmonies are back in force too. Bassist Tim Gaines has been replaced by Perry Richardson (Firehouse) who seamlessly fits into the quartet. The four guys seem diligent to entertain die hard fans as well as pick up new ones along the way.

The first track on the album is Blood From Above and you would swear it was a lost track from 1984’s YELLOW AND BLACK AND ATTACK. The guitar riffs and Micheals’ powerful vocals are explosive. The chorus is a syncopated offbeat rhythm that feels very reflective of the early days of christian metal. Then we end with Sweet’s signature scream. That song took me back and made me excited for the rest of the tunes.

The title track EVEN THE DEVIL BELIEVES, HOW TO FLY, and Bon Jovi-esque power ballad THIS I PRAY are reflective of the To Hell with the Devil days. In fact most songs on this album could find their homes on either the early straight ahead rock records or the calmer MTV releases. Regardless this one certainly is for the fans and goes back to the Stryper days we remember well. The production and recording are clear but not so polished that they feel fake. It is 100% a rock and roll record. Check it out from Frontiers Music September 4 2020.

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