Godzilla vs. Kong is in theaters and on HBO Max starting March 31. Not since Captain America Civil War have I felt such internal angst. I am a huge fan of both of these monsters, and I don’t like the idea of them fighting. It would be no spoiler to realize that they will at some point find a common enemy. Until that time they are going to battle it out for titan dominance.

I don’t like choosing sides but will admit that Kong is always my go to. He was content to hang out on Skull Island and do his thing. It wasn’t until humans started trying to either shoot, kill, or capture the great beast that he even got involved. He has been stripped from his home and forced into a world not his own. So yeah, he might be a tad upset and angry. At the same time he has a compassion about him that is closer to human than any of the other Titans which also makes him endearing.
Godzilla seems to be driven by nothing more than primal instinct and dominance. He has no desire to communicate or negotiate but just wants things to be right. Zilla stomps around yelling and smashing until everyone gets in line. Sort of like me when I am hungry. He is not content with living in the depths of the ocean and minding his own business. He is easily provoked and does not like the idea of Kong, or anyone else, being around.
That is where we find the two monsters in this story. One in captivity being used by scientists for their own advantage. The other just trying to rule. This is the 4th film in the latest franchise. I include KONG: SKULL ISLAND (2017) in that quad even though in my expert opinion that film is a powerful standalone movie that is still better than any of the other three. It is next level entertainment. Like Godzilla (2014) and Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) this latest film has an equal amount of pros and cons.
There is a lot of action in this one and the effects look fantastic. The prior Godzilla films felt dark and grainy and we usually had to try and see GeeZee through a lot of rain and dark of night. For most of the film we get a lot of visual as he and Kong go at it. I will stop here and say that these two monsters scream and yell at each other more than they do throwing punches. Yes there is a good amount of jabs but if you pay attention it feels like a school yard brawl with a lot of mouthing more than anything.
What frustrated me most is how this film feels like it skipped a movie. We have characters and situations going on that are glossed over as if common knowledge. Why is Kong where he is now? Who put him there? Monarch? When? They – sort of – introduce us to Dr Andrews (Rebecca Hall) as if we know all about her from previous bills. Then there is Monarch Geologist Nathan Lind (Alexander Skarsgård) who feels like someone we should know more about if we are to believe his purpose. He starts talking about his brother David and this journey he was on then, boom, we are off to middle earth. Wait, what? If this is set up for a future origin film, ok, but here it just feels like bad editing and poor scripting.
Plot holes aside the other issue I have with this one is the amount of content with a lack of synergy. Madison Russel (Millie Bobby Brown) seems like a minor character in this one who is given a task that makes little sense other than to include her in the story. Not until the end do her and her pals show any reason to be there. I feel worse for Dr. Mark Russell (Kyle Chandler) who has a few random lines but mainly just makes worried faces. Most scenes are filler until we get to main event. Godvilla vs. Kong.
I have made it clear that Kong is my guy. But I have to admit that Godzilla is not an easy win. That lizard does not play. Sort of like the WWE this is going to end only one way unless some random character throws a chair at Godzilla’s head and lets Kong slip out of the ropes. Kong has heart though and that is always a force to lead with. If you think you have this one figured out.. well, you probably do. But it is a lot of fun to watch.
The bottom line is that we are only watching for the battle between these two. We will jump over plot holes and swim through murky dialogue just to watch this epic showdown. And it is worth it. The grudge match certainly lives up to the title hype. Did I cheer a few times? Maybe. But that is the fun of it. If you have an open theater in your area let that be your option for this one. HBO MAX is convenient and essential but these two warriors deserve the big screen for sure. It is rated PG-13 for intense sequences of creature violence/destruction and brief language. They do destroy a lot of property. People talk about the Avengers tearing sh..stuff up but these two can level a city like no other.