Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania offers a lot. A whole lot. Maybe too much. But if you weed through the over abundance of characters, and the attempt it makes to fill in the plot holes, you will find a film that is fun to watch and a nod to the family bond.

Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) is living his best life right now. As an Avenger he loves the looks he receives from people, and the perks that come from saving the world. What is great about Lang though is that there is still the kind, humble, very guys guy that we can all relate to. He is no Tony stark to be sure. He is ready to spend time with his daughter Cassie (Kathryn Newton), and enjoy some family time.
What Scott doesn’t know is that Cassie has been secretly working on a project with Hank (Michael Douglas) and Hope (Evangeline Lilly). They have been attempting to send a signal to the Quantum Realm in order to study it from afar. Sadly Janet (Michelle Pfeiffer) is unaware of this as well or she would have shut it down immediately.
There are things in the QR that only Janet knows, and she has been keeping it all secret. That all is about to change when the entire family gets sucked in – literally – to the deepest part of the realm.
This is where the film gets a tad lost. Once the Langs and Pyms hit the ground they are met by more alien species than all of Star Wars could hold. Most of them are not vital to the story but you arent sure who you need to focus on and who you don’t. Some are very funny, some are warriors, some are vengeful; but they all seem to know Janet and are not happy she is back.
The main person we do know to focus on is Kang The Conqueror (Jonathan Majors). We know he is important because a lot of the latest MCU phase will count on him for success. I am a huge fan of Majors and am glad he is part of this Universe. He has an ability to bring deep emotion to every character he plays. This will allow Kang to become multi dimensional in this film and future stories.
I am not sure what the writer and director were trying to do here. Both are failry new to the blockbuster world and I feel like they were trying to show that they can do it all. In one movie. Is it a drama? A comedy? Maybe a Star Wars nod? They like to think so. The one great thing about Ant-man films is that they are funny, and for the common man. Lang is not used enough in this one, and faces we loved from the first two films are non existent.
It’s not all bad though.
What I did like about this film – and there are a few things for sure – is the way it focused on family. That always be there for each other and never give up spirit saved this film. The Langs and Pyms are in this together. They share in the turmoil, the success, and the reward.
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania looks beautiful as well with lots of great costumes for the way too many characters. It is fun to watch and in light of the Marvel films of late, an actual step up. The failure is in the lack of focus. The desire to do too much all at once. Once you weed through the mess though you will find a enough to enjoy.
Side note: I am not a fan at all of the multiverse and feel like that could be the downfall of the MCU. For fans of the multiverse though there are some nice nuggets thrown in to prove that more is to come.